
مُبادرَة تغريدات لإغناء المحتوى العربيّ على الإنترنت

مع ضآلة حجم المحتوى العربي الرقمي – والذي يشكل نسبة تصل إلى 2 إلى 3 في المائة من إجمالي محتوى شبكة الإنترنت، فإن مسئولية زيادة المحتوى العربي الرقمي – كماً وكيفاً – تقع على عاتق المستخدم العربي في المقام الأول. ومن هنا، وُلِدَت الحاجة إلى تكوين مجتمع للمحتوى العربي الرقمي يعمل على إثرائه من خلال مشروعات فعلية تنهض بمستوى وكمية المحتوى العربي على شبكة الإنترنت. ولهذا، تأسست مبادرة “تغريدات” Taghreedat  لإثراء كافة صور المحتوى العربي..


المبادرة و هدفها

مع ضآلة حجم المحتوى العربي الرقمي – والذي يشكل نسبة تصل إلى 2 إلى 3 في المائة من إجمالي محتوى شبكة الإنترنت، فإن مسئولية زيادة المحتوى العربي الرقمي – كماً وكيفاً – تقع على عاتق المستخدم العربي في المقام الأول. ومن هنا، وُلِدَت الحاجة إلى تكوين مجتمع للمحتوى العربي الرقمي يعمل على إثرائه من خلال مشروعات فعلية تنهض بمستوى وكمية المحتوى العربي على شبكة الإنترنت. ولهذا، تأسست مبادرة “تغريدات” Taghreedat  لإثراء كافة صور المحتوى العربي، سواء المرئي أو المكتوب أو المسموع والقيام بمشروعات تطوعية – وصل عددها أكثر من 8 مشاريع حتى الآن – مع مؤسسات وشركات عالمية من أجل الإسهام بشكل فاعل في تطوير المحتوى العربي الرقمي. اضغط هنا لتتعرّف على كافة مشاريع المُبادرة حتى الآن.  ولعل أفضل ما يُلخص رسالة وهدف مبادرة “تغريدات” هو ذلك التحوّل الذي تسعى إليه المبادرة – منذ انطلاقها منتصف عام 2011 – من “ثقافة الاستهلاك” للمحتوى العربي الضئيل والفقير على شبكة الإنترنت إلى “ثقافة الإنتاج” لتحفيز المستخدم العربي على التفكير والتواصل والتحدث والكتابة باللغة العربية .

احصل على تصاميم تغريدات…. 

قوة التطوع

تُعد “تغريدات” حالياً أحد أعلى الحسابات العربية المؤسسية وغير الشخصية تأثيراً على تويتر، حيث يبلغ عدد مُتابِعيها أكثر من 100 ألف شخص من جميع أنحاء الوطن العربي. ويأتي ترتيب “تغريدات” مباشرةً عقب مؤسسات إخبارية عربية ذات صيت. وتتميز مبادرة “تغريدات” أنها لا تتخذ إطارًا تقليديًا لعملها، بل تنبُع قوة المبادرة من مجتمعها التطوعي، حيث استطاعت المبادرة – في أبرز إنجازاتها حتى الآن – تنفيذ مفهوم التطوّع الرقمي أو حشد المصادِر Crowdsourcing بنجاح وهو نموذج قلّما تمّ تنفيذه بنجاح في الوطن العربي، ويبلغ إجمالي مبادرة تغريدات حوالي 2500 متطوع عربي يقطنون في 31 دولة حول العالم ولا يتقاضى أيّ منهم أيّ مقابل جرّاء إسهاماته في الترجمة والتعريب ضمن مشاريع المبادرة.

للانضمام إلى مجتمع “تغريدات” التطوعي اضغط هنا


About Taghreedat

Taghreedat is a regional and international Arabic digital content community building initiative. With currently a community of over 2,500 Arab volunteers residing in 31 countries around the world, of which are 20 Arab countries [1], Taghreedat is aimed at building an active Arabic digital content creation community that contributes directly and significantly to increasing the quality and quantity of Arabic content on the web, through the implementation of the concept of crowd-sourcing to increase Arab users’ contribution to enriching Arabic content on the web through both original content projects, as well as projects geared towards localization and Arabization

Starting on May 31, 2011 on Twitter, as a call to action to increase the quality and quantity of Arabic e-content on Twitter via the hashtag #letstweetinarabic, Taghreedat has created a community of Arabic digital content enthusiasts from all parts of the Arab world, through its account on Twitter: @Taghreedat, which currently has over 100,000 followers

Taghreedat has worked with a number of international and regional stakeholders, among which are San Francisco-based organizations and companies including: Twitter, The Wikimedia Foundation and Storify, in addition to New-York-based TED and Abu Dhabi based twofour54 – the supporting organization which currently funds this initiative

Recognition and impact

On October 4, 2012, The Dubai School of Government released its latest report, including a case study on Taghreedat as a model for social entrepreneurship in the Arab region, citing Taghreedat’s impact on applying crowd-sourcing to increase the quality and quantity of Arabic digital content. The report was released by The Governance and Innovation Program (GIP) at theDubai School of Government, in partnership with SAP MENA, and included a regional eight country survey to measure perceptions on the impact of social media usage on economic empowerment, employment and entrepreneurship in Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Saudi Arabia and the UAE

On August 29, 2012, Taghreedat was selected as one of the Middle East’s Top 25 Tech Initiatives leading the technology innovation scene in the Middle East region, in a list that has been created by The Wall Street Journal’s Neil Parmar and published in Washington DC-based Al Monitor. Taghreedat was ranked 12th in the list, making it the only non-profit initiative to have been included in the list, which also highlighted included various startups as part of its rankings

Previously, on March 9, 2012, during the Presidential Official Statements at the ITU’s Connect Arab States Summit held in Doha, Qatar, the Egyptian Presidential Statement, delivered by Egypt’s Minister of Telecommunications singled out Taghreedat has one of the region’s strongest efforts to enrich Arabic digital content

In a recent Klout study, dated April 2012, Taghreedat’s Twitter account rounded in the top 5 most influential non-personal Arab Twitter accounts, in terms of reach, volume of interactions, retweets, mentions and overall user network

Taghreedat’s projects have been covered in a number of international and regional media outlets, including: CNN, The Next Web, The Wall Street Journal, BBC World, France 24, CNBC Arabiya, Al Jazeera, Al Arabiya, Sky News Arabia, The National, Al Youm Al Sabe’ and others. Taghreedat has also participated in a number of international events to showcase its community-driven projects including Wikimania 2012 in Washington DC [4] and TEDGlobal in Idinbrugh, United Kingdom

Partnerships and collaborations

Taghreedat has collaborated with the following international digital content companies and organizations:

Twitter, Inc. - in San FranciscoCaliforniaUnited States

TED - in New YorkUnited States

The Wikimedia Foundation - in San FranciscoCaliforniaUnited States

Storify in San FranciscoCaliforniaUnited States

Meedan - in San FranciscoCaliforniaUnited States

Taghreedat’s projects

Twitter Arabization Project

The first of Taghreedat’s projects which commenced on October 22, 2011, Taghreedat gathered a group of volunteers to Arabize over 190 Twitter glossary terms from English to Arabic to be then applied on Twitter’s Arabic interface. Taghreedat worked with Twitter to develop such glossary which was considered by Twitter as a grassroots step in the eventual opening of Twitter’s Translation Center to Arabic translators which was integral to the launch of Twitter’s Arabic interface in March 2012

Arabic Wikipedia Editors Program

In cooperation of the Wikimedia Foundation, Taghreedat has launched the Arabic Wikipedia Editors Program – a regional program which targets regular Internet users to train them (both online & offline) become Arabic Wikipedia editors. The program is composed of two main components: online training as well as offline workshops (training component) in addition to a reward component in the form of official certificates that the volunteer participants will be receiving. The project was launched in mid June 2012 and continues to attract new Arabic Wikipedia editors

Storify Arabization Project

In mid May 2012, Taghreedat announced that it has started working with San Francisco-based Storify, the online curation social platform, to Arabize its website interface. Crowd-sourced community work on the project continued for 3 weeks until June 7, 2012. Starting July, Taghreedat has started working with Storify on the back-end to ensure the Arabic Storify interface is implemented while taking Arabic text placement in consideration. When launched, Arabic will become among the first 3 languages to be applied to the online curation website interface

First Arabic Tech/Web 2.0 Dictionary

Taghreedat is currently developing the first crowd-sourced Arabic technology dictionary for both technology and social media terms, translated from English to Arabic. The dictionary comprises over 6,500 technology terms in various fields, including: cyber safety, cyber security, graphic design, PC terminology and more. Started in mid June 2012, work is currently ongoing to gather the Taghreedat community votes on all 6500 terms. The dictionary, expected to be launched later this year, has attracted the attention of a number of US and UK media outlets, tipping it as the first crowd-sourced collection of Arabic technology terms in the MENA region

TED Website Localization Project

On September 4, 2012, Taghreedat announced that it has begun working with TED International to localize its official website into Arabic for the first time. The project will be carried our by Taghreedat’s volunteer base, applying the same crowd-sourcing model that Taghreedat has applied in its previous localization projects with Twitter and Storify

WikiQuote Project

In cooperation with the Wikimedia Foundation, Taghreedat is currently contributing to Wikimedia’s “WikiQuote” project, a Wikipedia sister project that collects various popular quotes and cultural sayings from around the world.Taghreedat will be contributing with around 2,000 Arabic quotes – both originating from the Arab world or translated into Arabic to enrich the Repository. The project started in May 2012 and will continue throughout the year



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